Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elbie's First Day at the Hill

This past Sunday we loaded up the mini van for the first day of skiing this year. Its been a bit of crapy ski season so far and that's all good and fine with Elbie only being 7 weeks old. However its really nice to slide around the snow with some sticks on your feet. Mel, Elbie, and I picked up Nathan and headed out to manning park, not really sure how things would pan out. But things went great, we arrived at 930ish and took over the basement of the lodge. Mel watched Elbie while Nate and I did a sweet slack country lap. Then I watched Elbie for a couple hours and Mel went out for a classic ski. When Mel got back I hit up the skate skis for a bit and we went home. Huge success. Manning park we will be back!  
Nate and I skinning up.

Coverage was grim but plenty enough for some really good skiing.

Nate and I at the top. So good to be skiing.

This is the area of the lodge we kind of moved into for the day. I hung out and had lunch with Elbie while Mel went out.

Just hanging out in the lodge.


skate skis are so fast. Just awesome fun.

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